On mondy we gave them a quick measure:
Rapethal: age: 9.5 weeks, length: 21 cm
Dash: age: 11.5 weeks, length 24.5cm
Again measureing is not that accurate, but it gives an idea. Rapethal really needs to up his eating!! Dash conversely is getting a little fat?!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Next measure III
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Labels: measurements
Monday, 19 November 2007
After the feeding issues
After our concerns about our bearded dragons not eating last week I am pleased to report they eating extremely well. Here is our new feeding schedule:
1) We are now feeding them smaller crickets [classified 'medium' rather than 'standard' from or local reptile shop]. These seem to go down much better.
2) We are feeding them 2 times per day, when it works for us. They are probably eating between 6 and 12 each at each feeding time.
3) I am attempting to only feed them what they will eat. Somtimes I feel they could eat more, but I do not want to leave crickets in the Vivarium. The ballance is a careful one. I am trying to remove any leftover crickets after 15 minutes or so. I don't always get them all though!
4) They are getting 2 no cricket days per week. Friday was supposed to be one, but I gave them some in the morning.
5) They are also enjoying spring greens, as well as other veg.
The result is:
1) They looks forward to feeing time and wait on the feeing rock. Both of them ate crickets that were sitting on my hand.
2) My concern over this is that they are not chasing them around as much.
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Sunday, 18 November 2007
Next measure
I attempted to do another meaure of the bearded dragons today. It is not a very accurate measure, if I am honet, probably within half a cm though:
Rapethal: age: 8.5 weeks, length: 20 cm
Dash: age: 10.5 weeks, length 22.5cm
If I am in anyway correct then:
1) They are growing well
2) Rapethal is in fact bigger than Dash at the same age. [But we don't have exact birht dates]
All very encouraging, particularly the new successful feeding schedule.
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Labels: measurements
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
"My Bearded Dragon isn't eating"
What do you do when your bearded dragon isn't eating? That was the concern we have had for the last 2 days.
It tunrs out that we have been a bit lax on the whole feeding thing. Not that we haven't fed them. Rather that we have chuked 15 or so crickets in each day knowing that they hadn't eaten all of them from the day before. They'll pick 'em off in the end, we thought.
The result instead was teh our beaded dragons weren't eating ANY of them?! Weird!
We took a bit of expert advice, and they said: "get all the crickets out of the vivarium and leave them for 24 hours". It was at that point we realised that we had messed up a fair bit, cos we must have cleared out about 20 or so crickets, hidden here, there and everywhere!! We spent lots of time finding them and we still missed one that appeared the next day!!
Here's the theory:
Lizards identify food by movement primarily. If there is movement all the time, they block it out as normal movement, and familiarity causes them to not recognise it as food. This is particulary so if they have over eaten before. By depriving them of the movement and the food, their system gets "reset", and everyone is happy again!!
So that is what we did. Last night we carefully introduced 2 crickets at a time. Dash ate 4 in the end, Rapethal ate none still. 2 got away that we removed from the Viv. Today we were pretty worried. Why was Rapethal not eating? Was he afraid of the crickets? Was he afraid of Dash.
Today both Beardies have been desparately exploring hte viv for food - a good sign!
Our plan tonight wasd to remove Dash and then introduce the crickets to give Rapa and chance. However Dash was more jumpy than normal, presumably cos he was hungry! So we went for it anyway. 4 crickets at a time. And Rapa was the first to eat - hurray!! It was a relief. I think they had somewhere around 8 each and they all went. We decided not to overdo it today and keep them keen for tomorrow!
No one said it would be eay i suppose!
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Labels: eating
Saturday, 10 November 2007
A worry - Dehydrated Bearded Dragons
We did have a fair bit of concern over the beardies yesterday actually. They were not eating and were generally loolking pretty unhealthy.
After some ponderings and web searches, Maddy decided that maybe dehydration was the issue. She sprayed them with water, and pretty soon they were back up and running. Phew!
I has caused us to have a review of feeding shedules and water. I put up what we pan to do when we have decided!!
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Measurements 2
Rapethal: age: 7.5 weeks, length: 18.5 cm
Dash: age: 9.5 weeks, length 20.5cm
Either my measurements were rubbish last time, or grwoth is fairly speedy!! Without doubt Dash is looking larger than when we got them a week ago, and certainyl significantly bigger than Rapethal!
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Measurements 1
It was my plan to try and track their growth. Not too success ful so far becasue i haven't done it, and they are still a bit to jumpy to hold!
Still here was my general effort from Wednesday, 7th 2007
Rapethal; age: 7weeks old, length: 17.5cm
Dash; age: 9 weeks, length: 18.5cm
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Labels: measurements
Monday, 5 November 2007
Keeping Live Crickets
I don't think I have metioned it so far, bhet bearded dragons eat live crickets. Funnily some people have thought the bearded dragon to be quite cute but flipped out at the live crickets!!
So far we have got a pack of crickets from the local reptile centre, and are waiting another couple of boxes from the place where we got the lizards: reptilekeeping.net.
It seems it is much cheaper to buy it larger quantities [it looks like we are gonna get through about 150 crickets a week at this rate].
A couple of places we have found sell them in larger quantities:
Live Foods Direct &
Live foods UK &
Global Live Food
The problem is that as soon as you buy lots [eg 500] then you have got to store them somehow!
We are currently looking at using a large plastic tank. The general advice is as follows
1) Store in a dark place at between 18 and 22 degreesC.
2) Provide food: a saucer of ProGrub, some sliced carrot, potato or apple. But place these away from each other
3) food must be replenished every few days to prevent fruit fly
4) Provide mosture by keeping a damp kitchen or something in the container. but keep it away from the ProGrub.
5) Put some egg cartons in to give them somewhere to hide,. but don't bother with anything else.
advice from live foods direct, and Fresh Live Food even better The Reptile Rooms [with photos].
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Early concerns
We have had a couple of concerns about the little bearded dragons, so I thought that I would share them here:
1) Rapa looks smaller than Dash and less on the ball!!
- the pet shop has said that Rapa is 2 weeks younger than Dash. Aaaaah! That'll explain it then! They are 6 and 8 weeks old.
2) They occassionally run so fast that they run into the side of the Vivarium!
- it seems that they are young and when they get scared they are trying to find a way out!! Perfectly normal apparently!
3) They have been very skittish and definitely not to bothered about being held.
- The pet shop reckons that they will get more confident in another month or so. They recommend doing things that get them used to us like putting hands in the vivarium [slowly], and generally being around.
On the positive side:
- they are moving around the vivarium confidently and speedily when chasing food.
- They are eating well, both the live crickets and greens.
- they seem happy with each others company, no fighting at all.
They are all good indicators that they are doing ok.
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